Sunday, June 15, 2014

Hastening the Work- A Day to remember!‏

Today is a historic day in Beira! As you may recall, prior to today, the Beira District consisted of eight (8) branches. Today, four (4) new branches were created for a total of twelve (12)!! 

Besides this, five (5) of the existing branches changed their name to reflect the name of the suburb they are located in. 

Based on the new boundaries, five (5) of the current branch presidents no longer resided within their branch boundaries, therefore, nine (9) new branch presidents were sustained. On July 27, 2013 when Chanelle was visiting us we attended the marriage/baptism of one of these new branch presidents.  As amazing as this is, the man sustained today as the new branch president  in Munhava was baptized last month!!

Clearly, this is a day to remember!

On Wednesday, June 11th, Mariana Da Graca Augusto opened her missionary call to Atlanta, Georgia! She is to report to the MTC in Provo on October 7th.

Elder Neal A. Maxwell said: "Basic scriptures can guide us as we seek to manage ourselves wisely. As King Benjamin counseled, “See that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength” (Mosiah 4:27).
A revelation was given to the Prophet Joseph Smith at a time when he must have been exceedingly anxious to finish the important and urgent translation of the Book of Mormon:
“Do not run faster or labor more than you have strength and means provided to enable you to translate; but be diligent unto the end” (D & C 10:4).
Thus, the Lord has given us what might be called the “wisdom and order” and “strength and means” tests. Unwisely, we often write checks against our time accounts as we never would dare do, comparably, against our bank accounts. Sometimes we make so many commitments that they become like the vines in the allegory of Jacob, threatening to “overcome the roots,” including the “roots” of family relationships, friendships, and relationships with God.
On my office wall is a quote from Anne Morrow Lindbergh: “My life cannot implement in action the demands of all the people to whom my heart responds.” For me, it is a needed reminder. A few years ago, already weary, I foolishly went late one afternoon to two different hospitals to give blessings to three individuals who were dying of cancer. Not only was I worn out, but worse, the last person really didn’t get much from me. Things had not been done in “wisdom and order.” I was running faster than my supply of strength and energy on that occasion. Those blessings would have been better given over two or three days, and I would have had more empathy and energy." (Wisdom and Order, Ensign, June, 1994) 
I love you!

Photos of the week....
This man is carrying large yellow containers that are used to haul water. We have two of these.

Here is the view after he rides by:

Mom and I went to visit a light house and in the ocean by the light house are the remains of a large ship.

Mom and the lighthouse.

These are brothers that each received their mission calls this week. The one on the left is called to Columbia and his brother to Durban, South Africa.

This is Marianna getting ready to open her call. 

Marianna called to serve in Atlanta, Georgia! Appears she is the first sister and second ever called to the US 

We often see these two boys in the parking lot of Shoprite (our one and only semi-large grocery store). These boys try to help carry our groceries in order to receive some type of tip. We often give them a small roll. On this day, the one on the right pointed out that the bananas were discounted because they were old. The entire sack of bananas cost $.15. While you can't tell it in the photo, they were very appreciative.

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