Sunday, December 1, 2013

Seminary Graduation + completed reading the Book of Mormon‏

The annual seminary graduation took place on Saturday, November 30th. There were about 120 people present, but only 26 young women. 

This photo is of the Munhava Branch. The teacher is on the back row far right, Joaquim João M., on Tuesday, December 3rd is his 22nd birthday! His father died about 6 years ago and in April of this year his Mother passed away. He is trying to earn money for his passport which costs $85 and then apply for a mission. He is very strong in the Gospel and a great worker.

Also on Saturday, November 30th, I completed reading the Book of Mormon one more time. 

I enjoy Moroni 10:32-33, and the concept of becoming "holy, without spot".

 "Yea, acome unto Christ, and be bperfected in him, and cdeny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and dlove God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be eperfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God. And again, if ye by the grace of God are perfect in Christ, and deny not his power, then are ye asanctified in Christ by the grace of God, through the shedding of the bblood of Christ, which is in the covenant of the Father unto the remission of your csins, that ye become dholy, without spot."

Mormon wrote the Words of Mormon and Mormon chapter 7 prior to being slain in the final battle at Cumorah in A.D. 385. Moroni writes about being alone (Mor. 8:3-5) from this point until he completes the book in A.D. 421 (Moroni 10:1) that would be 35 years that he was alone. He chooses very carefully the last line he writes, which describes the main purpose of the book

The very last line was written by Moroni on the title page.  This last statement  sums up a major purpose of the book: "that ye may be found spotless at the judgement-seat of Christ"  

Interestingly in the testimony of the 3 witnesses they use a very similar statement: "And we know that if we are faithful in Christ, we shall rid our garments of the blood of all men, and be found spotless before the judgement-seat of Christ.." 

 The Book of Mormon (Jac.1:19; Alma 12:14; Mor. 9:6) "be found spotless" The word "spotless" does not ever occur in the Bible. 

"The title-page of the Book of Mormon is a literal translation, taken from the very last leaf, on the left hand side of the collection or book of plates..." (HC, Vol. 1:71) 

Moroni's final verses describe "the covenant of the Father" that "through the shedding of the blood of Christ" we can be sanctified , receive a remission of our sins "that ye become holy without spot." (Moroni 10:33) 
This was also Nephi's desire as he concludes his record he reminds us that he has spoken "harshly against sin according to the plainness of the truth" (2 Ne. 33:5) but his great hope and goal in writing is "that I shall meet many souls spotless at the judgement-seat". (2 Ne. 33:7)

Jesus himself said: "no unclean thing can enter into his it be those who have washed their garments in my blood, because of their:
1.) faith
2.) the repentance of all their sins 
3.) their faithfulness unto the end. 
Now this is the commandment: Repent, all ye ends of the earth...that ye may stand spotless before me at the last day."
(3 Ne. 27: 19-20)

Included in these verses is the charge to deny not the power of God to continue to cleanse us as we progress toward perfection. Through faith in Jesus Christ unto repentance, Christ has the power to redeem us from our sins. The atonement is therefore, the covenant  or promise of the Father. (see 2 Ne. 30:2; 2 Ne. 31:18; Mormon 5:14;  Moroni 7:32; Heb. 13: 20-21)

And here is typical scene: An 8 year old taking care of her 4 year old sister & 1 year old brother. The parents are no where in sight. 

I Love You!

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